Monday, September 30, 2019

How Does Shakespeare Incorporate Literary Traditions Into Macbeth? Essay

In the play Macbeth Shakespeare uses a wide range of literary traditions frequently: For example, ideas of tragic form are used, with aspects of both Senecan and Aristotlean concepts. The play consists of five acts, a traditional number, following the rise and fall of the tragic hero Macbeth. Elizabethan language conventions are followed, with numerous examples of rhyming couplets, imagery, personification, metaphors and similes used to project settings and aspects of characters. Macbeth follows the ideas of both Senecan and Aristotlean tragedies, using their concepts of how a tragedy should be set out and how it should flow. The play has five acts that separate the play out into the stages of the rise and fall of Macbeth, the central character. The first act explains his rise to the position of thane of Cawdor and the beginnings of the witches influence over him. The second act follows his position to its highest point; it firstly sees the death of Duncan, an act carried out by Macbeth, greatly influenced at this point by the witches. In this act Macbeth is promoted to king following the death of Duncan for which he is not suspected. Act three sees an ever increasing influence from the witches which results in a dramatic turn around of Macbeth’s position as he begins to break down after the banquet scene in which the ghost of Banquo is seen. This turning point signals the beginning of the downfall of Macbeth leading eventually to his death in act five. The events in the banquet scene arouse suspicion of Macbeth as he cries openly in front of a figure that no one else present can see. â€Å"Hence horrible shadow, unreal mockery hence!†(3.4.106-7) During the play Macbeth, both blank verse and prose are used in a structural way. The contrast between the flowing speech of blank verse used by the more important and well-educated characters and the ordinary speech or prose used by the more lowly or uneducated characters is designed and incorporated to demonstrate the differences in social status between them. This difference is demonstrated well by the porter who opens the doors of the castle on the night of Duncan’s murder. He speaks in prose and rambles on, as he is merely a servant of Macbeth’s with little or no social status. Macbeth however as he is the central character in the play and a lord or Thane of high social status speaks almost entirely in rhyming verse. Iambic pentameters are used in the play to avoid monotony as they give rhythm to a sentence and stress the more important words in it. An example of this is â€Å"I have thee not and yet I see thee still† (2,1,35) which is said by Macbeth as he sees the dagger before him but cannot touch it. In this sentence the more important words are obviously emphasized as shown by the underlining. Rhyming couplets are part of another literary tradition and are also used to give a natural and obvious conclusion to a speech, this property was used by Shakespeare as a cue for other actors as it could easily be remembered and recognised by them. Rhyming couplets are also used to indicate supernatural powers of a character in a play, as they sound unusual and ghostlike when spoken. This can be demonstrated in this speech by the weird sisters: â€Å"Fair is foul and foul is fair; Hover through fog and filthy air.† Shakespeare uses a number of examples of imagery, personification, metaphors and similes in the play. Imagery is used to project many of the themes of the play. One method of imagery used by Shakespeare is clothing, which displays the theme that appearances can be deceptive. For example in act one when Macbeth is given the title, â€Å"thane of cawdor† he asks, â€Å"why do you dress me in borrowed robes?†(1.3.108-9) as he believes that the thane of Cawdor still lives. Later in the play another reference to clothing is used in: â€Å"Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giants robe upon a dwarfish thief?†(5.2.20-3) This refers to Macbeth’s unsuitability as king; he is a dwarfish thief who has stolen the title of king from the true king. Another chain of images used in the play relate to blood, which is used frequently in reports of murders and in describing people and events to demonstrate the brutality of the play and of the acts committed in it. Imagery is used vividly to describe the murdered Duncan and after the murder of Banquo Macbeth says to one of his murderers: â€Å"There’s blood upon thy face†(3.4.12). This shows that the murder must have been particularly violent, as blood has sprayed onto the face of the murderer. Metaphors and similes are also used frequently in the play to demonstrate the deception that is used by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. This intended deception is shown by: â€Å"Your hand your tongue: look like th’innocent hower but be the serpent under’t.† This sentence shows that the intention of Macbeth is to look innocent and pleasant on the surface in order to deceive someone into a false sense of security in order to get rid of them by murdering them. Throughout Macbeth Shakespeare has used a number of different literary traditions, which enhance the dramatic effect of the play for the modern day audience, and to include popular traditional values for the audience for whom it was intended.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Reproductive Health Bill Essay

The Reproductive Health Bill was first proposed in 1998 by Edcel Lagman of Albay. The said bill aims to improve and promote all methods of family planning, both natural and modern, to help our country’s dilemma regarding the continued growth of our population. The RH Bill gives information to family planning. It will improve maternal, infant and child health and nutrition. It promotes breast feeding. Then abortion will remain illegal and it is punishable by law but post-abortion complications will be given medical aid. It also contains prevention of reproductive tract infections like HIV/AIDS, STD, etc; treatment of breast and reproductive tract cancers, and prevention and treatment of infertility. It has elimination of violence against women and also education of sexuality and reproductive health. It includes male involvement and participation in the reproductive health and lastly education of reproductive health for the youth. For several reasons this bill has been an issue in our country for years. It has its pros and cons. Some say it is advantageous because it will really help in the country’s problem, the never ending growth of population that eventually leads to the country’s unchanging state of poverty. Some say it is a no no because of its very ill effects, immorality and sinful act. While, others have no idea what it is nor have any concern about what is happening around them which is really unfortunate. So the researchers thought of conducting a research concerning the thoughts and opinions of the youth about this bill. The youth’s perceptions are important, so are their awareness. Their awareness is a primary concern because they are the future generation. They should be aware of the things going around their environment in order for them to help and participate in developing the country’s economy into a better one. Their views and points may help the society after all.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Political thinkers

Shocked by the scenario of the political events, which according to him was not how a state would exist and far from the idealist principles which he had sought. He especially was taken aback with the execution of Socrates in 399 BCC and which prompted him to turn to philosophy instead which he believed, â€Å"Was the only it could rescue human beings from civil war and political upheaval and provide a sound foundation for ethics and politics†. L Plato was a multi-dalliance's In the sense that In his writings metaphysics, epistemology, cosmology, philosophical study of the natural sciences, language and of the mind.Plato also founded his own Academy and also was its director. It was through this academy through which he was seeking to guide his students according to his philosophical principles pertaining to the various disciplines. With his academy, Plato taught various theoretical subjects like philosophy and mathematics which had various theories along with research work bu t was also involved in practical tasks of developing political constitutions where the kings sought his principles and morals for developing their states. He emphasized on creating an ideal and peaceful learning environment for his students. Alto's most famous work, â€Å"The Republic† is a prime example of an exemplary blend of thematic, philosophy, politics and natural sciences and basically all what his Academy represented. Plato died in the year 347 BCC. Plato was well ahead of his time in his teachings and therefore was accused of misguiding the youth with his ideas. He wrote â€Å"The Ideal State† and when this work was believed to be a Utopian concept, he wrote â€Å"The Second Best State† which was less rigid. This made him the first thinker or philosopher to write about the importance of governance in society.Plat's best works and writings were put down in his work, â€Å"The Republic†. This famous work of Plato has lasted through the ages due to the fact that it had three significant characteristics. The first is that of political philosophy which was method rejected in the times before Plato such as the well being of society, the theory of the state and individual by which he prescribed certain methods through which an individual needs to live his life according to certain guidelines to maintain equilibrium in society.The second characteristic which has ensured that this famous work has endured the test of time is that the Republic arrives at certain bold tenements and conclusions having major interest in its own way, which is independent of the merits of his theories as well as the arguments which augment them. The third characteristic is such that the Republic seeks to provide solid foundations across time periods to Justify its political theories and also elaborate the various theories and views stated by Plato such as education, physics metaphysics, etc.The best way to understand the philosophy of the Republic is by e xamining its core principles and there are three fundamental ones: 1 . â€Å"A political society constitutes a natural whole, with its own kind of excellence and well being†. Plato. 2 Plat's writings in the Republic are in stark contrast to those holding atomistic views which states that the a political society consists of a group of individuals who co-exist in harmony with cohesive characteristics or are hostile to each other.Plat's writings do not claim that his ideal society is superior to individual parts existing in society, nor does it have possession of an individual destiny with a separate set of goals. Plat's writings are somewhat in the balance between the two contrasting principles. His view of society is more of that of unity than many liberal minded thinkers would low. He argues that man and society are so similar that each has similar set of virtues. Even though Plato makes this statement, he does not contend that a society needs to contain people that are wise, courageous and Just or temperate.He preaches that society needs to be so set with its values that in itself it can be Just, even goes to the extent of stating that the virtues of a society are relatively easier to understand as they help us with the understanding of an individual. Plato even states that the actions of an individual with his opinions and attitude are the by reduces of the overall virtues of society and therefore has no existence without society. In the second book of the Republic, Plato mentions what exactly he means by justice.He states that Justice is founded based on the needs common to men and which the latter can satisfy only if there is co-operation among SST them by division of labor. This is where he states that every individual is gifted with a particular skill set such as a potter, shoemaker, etc. With this principle of specialization there becomes a need for soldiers and rulers. He states that in keeping with the principle of division f labor, gives ruler s the natural responsibility of caring for the co-operative whole of society.Their responsibility therefore includes caring for the society as it is their sole task and do work with determination towards what we believe is good for the overall betterment of society. Also the kings need to possess the kind of knowledge and understanding of not emphasizing on a particular aspect but rather on society as a whole. Along with these principles of a harmonious society, Plato also mentions about corrupt societies where the sight of the common good is lost and where individualistic interests prevail.Plato as we see above emphasizes on the importance of the creation of a society par excellence. This he states is possible when there is an agreement between all the sections within society about who governs, who fights, who provides for society major and so on. The basis of all of this is education and makes these goals attainable. Plato therefore very rightly states that societal Justice can be attained when the well being of not a particular group, but the whole of the society is secured.By this statement Plato does not mean the happiness quotient of he society which is the amount of happiness of the people but rather the well being of the whole of society is attained when the interest of no particular group dominates society whether the group consists of the rich or the aristocratic class. It would be wrong to say that Plato does not care about the individual in society. His concern for man in society is of a different nature as he believes that for man to progress and maintain harmony in society, the whole and not the individual should be taken into consideration.He even states that it is better rather for an individual to attain Justice n society than injustice for the entire society. This is an exception and this is where the well being of the individual prevails. Justice thereby forming a big part of his first principle in the Republic. 2. â€Å"A political society should look to its well being as a whole as an overriding aim:that is as an aim which, in cases of conflict, takes precedence over others. 3 This principle opposes the notion that whatever concerns the well being of an individual have natural, sovereign and inalienable rights given to them for their well being at the cost of society.It does not however contradict the claim that individuals within a society eve some influence and claim over it and this influence in a way is derived from society is in a way responsible for its well being. What we can derive from both of these statements is that there is a fine line between an individual's well being and that of society and a correct balance needs to be attained. Taking the example of to be a right which is essential for an individual, nor does he see in it the intrinsic worth by which it can be Justified.As stated earlier, everything is for the well being of society and is the same case with education as well. An individual according to Plato s trained for this very purpose till he attains 35 years of age (Tireless and dedicated service towards society). Plato also is a firm believer in the censorship of the arts as he believes that a child exposed to too much nudity or vulgarity in the arts during his/her formative years will have significant impact on the mind and in turn the society as a whole.Similarly, falsified stories about the after life and the gods need to be given the same treatment as this will have a negative impact on the future rulers and society as a whole. Plato emphasizes that those educated to rule can only be Euler to attain an ideally Just society. What Plato states with conviction that an unjust society is the result of haphazard governance consisting of people not having character required to run the administration as well as the prescribed education.Plato also states that he does does not believe that all of the rulers belong to the heredity class. He rather establishes that a child born of a ruler but lacking the quality of a ruler is not fit for the role of a king whereas a child of individuals not belonging to the aristocratic class but possessing all of the qualities fit for kingship can be appointed as the ruler. This writing of Plato is contradictory to the very grain of Plat's aristocratic upbringing but rather accords for the sovereignty of the common good of society.Other philosophers of his time ascribed men and women in society the right to marry and have children and own property, be truthful in political matters or be truthful in order to uphold virtue. Plato on the other hand, for the wider interest of society prevents his rulers from marrying, they are prevented from ownership of property, they are prescribed to consummate with women who the elders or the wise men select for them which meant that the â€Å"women with the best emetics† were chosen as this would produce superior offspring and once the child is born the ruler did not know about w ho his children are.This Plato believes is essential for societal Justice. In the Republic, the importance of Justice is mentioned and Justified multiple times. Plato states that those who are not rulers, future rulers and soldiers lead a much easier and freer life in the sense that they have no formal means of voting to influence the running of society. The rulers can move them as well as separate them from their families. The working class in society are not even allowed to make money as they please as even this aspect is decided by the ruler to prevent extreme accumulation of wealth and prevent poverty.Plato as we can see, places utmost trust in his rulers who he states go through a rigorous selection process and this makes him an embodiment of wisdom and knowledge. He can make decisions on what is right or wrong in society due to this wisdom. Plato states that the Philosopher king cannot make mistakes and he is well suited to take decisions thus making the Philosopher king the u ltimate power in society of course only by means of true Justice as mentioned earlier. . â€Å"What constitutes the well being of society is a matter of objective fact, discoverable by those who have the relevant ability and specialized training†. Plato. 4 Political claims for Plato are not questions of decision, convention or prescription. The facts which the rulers have to live up to. Plato always tried to back up his findings and the same goes with this principle. He tries to back up this principle with a theory. The explanation for this theory is as follows. First off are the cases in which the statements are true because it corresponds to the way the reality is which is basically he facts of the world and reality in general.Secondly, there are two kinds of statements which are possible in the world. First are those whose claims are contingent which means that the truth-values could have been different than what they really are and then there are those statements that are necessary where the truth-values could not have been different. Plato states that the the items which cannot be altered and certain aspects of reality are called â€Å"Forms†. They are intangible in nature and are the solid truth.Justice, virtue and goodness are examples of forms as they are capable of making changes towards the subject matter f necessary truths which cannot be manipulated or altered. What Plato ascribes in order for his theory to be applicable is that the task which the future rulers of the Greek city states need to fulfill is to become philosophers and in the sense put forth only by Plato. They need to acquire Forms such as Justice, courage, temperance and most of all goodness. The other classes in the society do not hold the training or virtue to have all of the Forms at once.Plato also wants his rulers to have a firm and confident grasp of these Forms after fifteen years of specialized training. The society and the world Plato agrees is constantly changi ng but the philosopher king should be able to apply his knowledge of the Forms to the ever changing world. Plato compares his Philosopher king to a mathematician as a mathematician is able to apply unalterable truths which is formula such as the circles, square and other geometrical terms to the ever changing figures which are to be seen in the physical world around.The philosopher king he believes would successfully be able to apply morals which cannot be altered and political formula which are the truths associated with Justice ND goodness to the ever changing behavior of men in society along with their imperfect affairs. The philosopher king has this quality and only he is entitled to rule. ANALYSIS OF PLAT'S THREE PRINCIPLES: Plat's first principle concerning the nature of society and how it concerns its own well being is likely to be rejected only by the most extreme political scholars.Plato does not in any way ascribe special status to society and hence it is hard to see this principle as excessive. What Plato is trying to explain is that, men are not separate or detached from society resembling the organs of the body which are together without avian any aims or purposes of its own or like the grains in a heap of sand. Plato states that men by nature are social animals and unlike other animals have evolved and survived with notable success due to these social characteristics. Even if the social characteristics of man are flawed, they can certainly be corrected through co- operation.He stresses on this co-operation and sometimes even over-stresses on this aspect by which he literally means division of labor. Plat's second principle requires a little more attention and discussion in which he states that a society's well being different school of thought hold the view that a society's well being is a goal which has to be pursued and at least needs to be part of society's many goals. The factor which prompts this view is that, the different interests of indi viduals clash and clash in such a way that it becomes impossible to resolve all of them.A moral principle therefore is needed to ease out the conflict in a manner which is Just and fair. The right answer to this distinct problem as stated earlier is the target of attaining maximum happiness for a maximum number of people. This principle though has a fundamental weakness. For example, the assumption of torture and killing of a few individual people will leading to societal happiness is Justified by Plato and this view has persuaded many philosophers to reject it.Society thereby should not be arranged in a way which would be advantageous to a certain group but rather the interest of all must be considered. This proposal is thereby less sharply defined by Plato and hence makes it difficult to be applied yet not impossible. This kind of consideration can be compared to that of a parent towards the family where they are not concerned with the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people, but rather on one hand it is ensured that none of the children are favored unduly and also providing a balanced distribution of goods among them.Regarding the restrictions placed on the rulers such as the denial of the right to marriage, ownership of property and living on only the basic needs required on a daily basis, it may seem like the denial of the right to life to a normal reader but Plato sees the wider picture here. He states that there are no restrictions on what might be done to secure the well being of society and Plato sees these denial of rights to the philosophers as moving towards the desired target. This makes us wonder of what Plato would imply to the statement made earlier about killing the innocent for the benefit of society.There are no signs in Plat's writings anywhere that he would accept any actions of such nature and Justify them and rather all of the evidence is contradictory. The big philosophical question though which remains here is th at whether or not would Plato himself succumb to his theoretical beliefs and therefore commit him to endorse these deeds. This principle certainly puts Plato in trouble. Having gone far as striping the rulers of their basic rights, what is it that is holding Plato back.The only obvious way open to him is to assert that built into his idea of the well being of society are certain fundamental components and one of the rules being that innocent men and women are not to be killed. The argument which arises from this principle. People have the natural right to freedom from torture and death and this contradicts the theory which puts forth that the philosopher king can go to any extent for the good of society and the ruler cannot be questioned as he has attained ultimate wisdom due to the rigorous training imparted to him.Therefore, in he one case the conclusion is drawn from considering the society and in the other the individual. What then of Plat's third principle of the declaration th at morals and politics being questions of objective, expert knowledge? Regarding discussions on fundamental political and moral issues, the language of objective assertion is used by philosophers and normal people as though they are speaking of matters of plain fact.Cases where men can make mistake, argue over these mistakes and make What is more is that, they cannot do without the notion of assumption since without t there is no discussion and then they are left with only professions of faith. Comparing with the complex issues of today's time such as nuclear warfare and abortion, there is a tendency to make the added assumption that to arrive there is a need for expertise as well as ability and there cannot be dependence of wit and intuition. Men and women in society need to have the required information but at the same time need to be educated to analyze problems and in assessing consequences.Now, if common assumption such as these mentioned above are justified, then Plato has a v ery good case for holding that morals are principles too re matters of objective fact as well being matters of expertise (The philosopher king). Plato though does not stop here and adds that people who are political and moral experts ought to be the righteous rulers of society. Also while discussing the democratic virtue in relation to Plato, two sets of arguments need to be distinguished which: 1 . That in the absence of Platonic philosophers, the concept of democracy is supported . 2.The concept of democracy being supported absolutely by philosophers and if such philosophers are to be had or not in society. It can be disputed that western models of constitutional models are in the best forms f political societies developed so far and that too in the absence of Platonic philosophers. Plato I believe would've allowed this to happen as it comes closer to his earlier stated goal of securing Justice for the whole and not for the individual. He would've conceded this solely on balance b y pointing out that the conduct of democracy towards society would be uniformly Just.Now coming to the discussion about Plat's Justification of non-acceptance of the concept of democracy, Plato through the Republic reminds us that it was this ideology which put Socrates to death Just because he initiated open discussions. Also he mentions that the same democracy had either enslaved or killed an entire population for not wishing to be part of Athens. It is for these very reasons that Plato would argue that democracies of today would be no match to his concept of the ideal society. Recent philosophers might argue that democracy's case rests with the ultimate sovereign worth of an individual.A person has the ultimate say on how he is governed and how he wishes to be governed without which the philosophers state that they would not be fulfilling heir duties as adults and hence would be no different from slaves and children. On the contrary, Plato would argue that he had not seeded to lo wer the status of man in society. While the modern philosopher sees the dignity of man in the fulfillment of self, Plato has always seen it as surrender of self Just for the betterment of the good of society.He believed that in spite of having philosophers to rule and give political expertise and contribute to administration, it would be foolish to argue that all individuals should be a part of administration and it is the same as saying that non- authentications should provide calculations for building bridges. All of these points however does not make the democrat any weaker, as he has no major worry yet. The reason being that even if the rulers in the Platonic society possessed the attributes of morals and virtues, it cannot be said with certainty that they wouldn't become oppressive and corrupt and thereby not favor sectional interests at all.Plato places individual in the administration turns out to be corrupt. Plato thereby in order to prevent such a scenario and maintain this foolproof system created by him believed hat education can go a long way in maintaining Plat's concept of the ideal society. The training lasts for fifteen long years involving morality and virtue along with ten academics and religion. An education with a combination containing all these aspects is very less likely to make a person corrupt.Plat's emphasis on religious training makes the biggest difference as a God fearing man wont be morally wrong and at the same time be virtuous therefore making his system extremely rigid. ARISTOTLE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Aristotle lifespan was the period which can be termed as the turn in the history of hilltop's out of which branched an independent discipline of politics. 5 He was born in the year 384 BCC in the village of Staggers in located in present day Central Macedonia which was one of HTH Greek city states. Aristotle is called the father of Political Science and is one of the most celebrated political thinkers.He was the first thinker to separate the discipline of philosophy from politics and this resulted in the birth of a new discipline of Political Science. He came up with the term of Greek city state of â€Å"Polis† and also invented the term politics. His father was the royal physician n the Macedonian Court and shared a good relationship Witt the King of Macedonia. As he was part of the aristocratic class, he was sent to Plat's academy in Athens for education at eighteen years of age. He spent close to twenty years in the academy and also taught there. Aristotle was heavily influenced by Plat's teachings and writings and he was his mentor.Aristotle though differed on some of Plat's teachings which I will highlight further in this paper. He returned to the Kingdom of Macedon in the year 343 BCC and he was appointed to run and lead the Royal academy of Macedon. At this period, he was also the private tutor of Alexander the Great. In the year 335 BCC, he came back to Athens and started his own academy by t he name of Lacey. Aristotle in his teachings whilst at his own academy wrote about different theories of nature and emphasized that for nature to function without any hindrance, change is certain.Aristotle unlike the other philosopher of his time, looked at nature from a different perspective. He like Plato believed in creating an ideal environment for learning and taught outdoors as believed that being close to nature is ideal for the overall growth of an individual. Aristotle was forced to flee Athens in the year 322 BCC when there was an uprising in Athens gains the Macedonian and as he had published many works supporting the history of Macedonian rule, it left him vulnerable to attack by the Athenians. He left for Above during the uprising and died in the same year.Aristotle like Plato was believed to be misguiding the youth with his ideas and teachings. What makes Aristotle unique is the fact that is to put forth that politics can be devoid of ethics, the complete opposite of P lato who emphasized a lot on ethics. Aristotle like Plato wrote about his win â€Å"Ideal State† which is a continuation of Plat's â€Å"Second Best State†. ARISTOTLE AND POLITY: The politics of Aristotle for the reader becomes intensely empirical at once and also factual knowledge throughout the ancient world known to the Greeks and he put all of this information together to guide action.He used political processes to guide people towards the right path and giving them a good life by following certain guidelines. These moral views laid down by Aristotle are expressed in his work the ‘Politics' and also on his other work ‘Noncompliance ethics'. Aristotle unlike Plato held hat moral views can be held by a person and known without the complete precision of mathematics or the physical and biological sciences. Living a good life is essential for the well being of man in society and such life can come into existence only when human capacities are developed to th e maximum.Put it simply, one has to feel and act in a way required for working towards a whole hearted commitment towards a well rounded life and this life should be truly moral and most importantly truly human. Aristotle describes this well living as ‘daemonic', slightly mistranslated as happiness. Well being can be a closer word for this term and he states that the ultimate of ethics and politics is to attain daemonic. Aristotle introduces his writings in the Politics with two key ideas: 1. The state is a community 2.The state is the highest among all communities, â€Å"Which embraces all the rest, aims for good in a greater degree than any other and at the highest good. 7 Aristotle considers the state to be a natural being and was the first thinker to consider it as a community. Aristotle also puts forth that the state is an instrument, a sort of mechanism and like machinery can be used to meet ends higher than itself. This view of Aristotle is called the ‘instrument alist' view of the state and which actually not invented by him but rather propounded by Sophists who lived a century before Aristotle.This view was however rejected by Plato and revived only by the modern thinkers such as John Locke, Jack Hobbes and John Dewey. The good life within the natural creation being the state can be achieved by whole heartedly acting in ways truly human. Aristotle states that to act in such a manner becomes a struggle for man and he can do so only with utmost pain and difficulty. He observed that young hillier are moved by instincts such as pleasure and pain. They need to trained so that they achieve acts of reason once they grow to be adults such as those of courage or cowardice.They can be trained to endure pain and agony and not to give in to every bodily desire so that everything falls into place and things come easily and naturally. Aristotle like Plato in this case states that education becomes an important element for grooming an individual by devel oping the right reason, the right desire and their harmony. Aristotle unlike Plato in his ideal state where he gives ultimate importance to the philosopher king gives great importance to laws. He states that for individuals, to do good to do good for themselves or others does not come naturally. Man lacks virtue and compulsion through law is therefore needed.In the Monomaniacs ethics, Aristotle states that people have the tendency to resent to things told to them by other people but no resentment is seen when law is enforced upon them. Aristotle states law to be reason which is unfazed by desires. The community: Aristotle difference in political thought to his mentor Plato becomes extremely clear hen he puts forth that the state is the highest form of association concerning man's family for example man reproduces himself; companionship is resolved when living in a village community; and it is only in the state that man realizes himself and his true worth particularly the highest par t of himself.Aristotle therefore does not make division of labor an essential component of society in his political thought but rather expresses that family is the lowest in the hierarchy of the society and man's biological appetites and material appetites are expressed within the family. A man's social sentiment of companionship and that of community is expressed in the bigger association of the village and then ultimately man's morality the quality which makes him most human is expressed and fulfilled in the state.Aristotle unlike Plato in his organic view of the state very clearly explains and expresses what are the implicit and explicit factors for society. He unlike his teacher Plato is unwilling to go as far as where he states that it is not necessary for the betterment of the society, that the happiness of the rulers as well as the ruled needs to be sacrificed. Aristotle is against he principle of excessive unity in the state which he anyways believes to be idealistic and not realistic and even if it is attained it should be rejected as he states that, â€Å"It would result in the destruction of the state†. Aristotle describes the role of Plat's guardian rulers as Just filling a vacuum and that the ideal state put forth by Plato merely contains two states in one with hostility emerging as tube most likely outcome due to the importance associated to the philosopher king. Aristotle in his concept of the origin of the state expresses that every state is a community of some kind and it s created with the intention of some good no matter what the methods used.Aristotle in his concept of politics states that when a ruler has a personal government that he referred to as a king and when according to the rules and principles of political science, then he referred Thomas a statesman. Aristotle tries to look at things in a scientific perspective and the state is no exception where he puts forth that different kinds of rules differ in different societies and it is essential to attain scientific information from them. Property: Aristotle theory of property is completely against Plat's theory of communism of repertory..Plato regarded property to be a hindrance to the proper functioning of the state as it blurred human thought process by encouraging the need for wants and, therefore, suggested the guardian class even though the rulers of society have no claim over any property in the entire city state. For Aristotle on the other hand, ownership of property provided psychological satisfaction to man as human beings he believes have the inherent instinct of possessing and owning property. It is the rightful claim of an individual to own property.Aristotle claims that if an individual goes not own property, then he won't learn the principle of generosity such as giving alms to the needy as well as the connect of hospitable treatment towards the oppressed class of society. What then is the use of moral and virtuous training as stated by Plato when it cannot be put into practice in the wider concept of society. Ownership of property leads to the creation of a good household as the family is society at the micro level and a happy and content family would ultimately lead to the creation of a better society as your needs get fulfilled. Ownership of property is s

Friday, September 27, 2019

How Benjamin Franklin's audience and purpose for writing The Research Proposal

How Benjamin Franklin's audience and purpose for writing The Autobiography affected his writing style for that particular text - Research Proposal Example audience to construct â€Å"The Autobiography†, blending rational discussion with an almost jovial tone in order to ensure that his intended message was delivered and received by the reader. It is clear that Franklin is intending to deliver the message of the evils of tyrannical leadership, the necessity for education and social improvement, and to suggest the importance of religious doctrine (even to the non-believer) as a means of honoring the precepts of wisdom, hard work, and divinity. These were likely common themes amongst a society which was only just beginning to establish its own social and moral code of living and end a long-standing reliance on foreign rulers to experience technological and social improvements. It is important to describe the audience of this particular time period who Franklin continuously attempted to reach through his moral and ethical writings. Franklin, himself, maintained a bladder calculus which caused urinary tract problems. Franklin discovered that his only solution to this problem was to stand upon his head in order to allow the calculus deposit to fall away from the opening of the bladder so that he could urinate (St. James and Spiro, 28). Franklin’s medical condition might not appear to be relevant to the writing style of his work â€Å"The Autobiography†, however it is highly-connected to the social beliefs of the time period where understandings of life (medicine, technology, etc.) were only in their infant stages compared to modern technological and social development. In addition, with newfound hope in progress and industry, the barrier between long-standing religious beliefs on God and acceptable business practices was becoming blurred. It is likely through works such as â€Å"The Autobiography† where Ben Franklin was able to remind society that religious devotion and religious doctrine continues to ring true regardless of the level of individual belief in the divine and in what constituted acceptable worship

Thursday, September 26, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 40

History - Essay Example pite the English colonies not having representatives in parliament in England, by the end of seventeenth century all English colonies had some form of representative assembly which more or less resembled the House of Commons in structure and functions. McGeehan and Gall assert that there were four major landmarks that shaped American constitutional government: Magna carter (1215), Bill of Rights (1689), Common law and Bicameral legislature (3). The kings in England used to have absolute authority over subjects but the Magna carter made them subject to law giving parliament power over tax levies. To tame the powers of the King, it was necessary to establish Representative governments whereby the people had a say in governance. Such governments were thus vital to colonies in attracting investors. The Bill of Rights in 1689 limited the power of kings and queens further as it disallowed interference with parliamentary elections and debates and kings could not suspend laws or levy taxes without parliament consent. On the other hand, rights developed from common law protected citizens from tyrannical governments. England had a bicameral legislature comprising House of Lords comprising clergy and nobility and House of Commons for wealthy middle class. This was the method adopted by English colonists. Before settlement therefore, the colonists had the idea of a limited government (McGeehan & Gall 3-5). The colonists in New World wanted a government where people were first thus the establishment of representative governments with Virginia being the first to establish the House of Burgesses in 1619 ( Other colonists followed by establishing assemblies. For example, Plymouth had the Mayflower Compact, Massachusetts had the General Court, Connecticut had Fundamental Orders of Government while Rhode Island operated on principle of separation of church and state (McGeehan & Gall 3-5). Colonies were headed by governor and council who had executive powers of

The McCarthy Era That Affected The Russians in Hollywood Essay

The McCarthy Era That Affected The Russians in Hollywood - Essay Example (Freedland, Michael) The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) held a series of showbiz trials, the aftermath of which is recorded by Freedland in his book, Hollywood on Trial. Careers of more than 400 people in Hollywood were destroyed, and they were blacklisted by film producers, as they were not able to satisfactorily answer the question of whether they then were, or had ever been, Communists. This was a weird situation, as the Communist Party itself was not banned in the US, and its newspaper The Daily Worker continued to be published. Those who were hauled up for questioning had three options—that of perjury (denial of links that they had with the Communist Party), taking refuge under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, which protected them from implicating themselves, or invoking the rights to free speech granted by the First Amendment. Edward Dmytryk, of Ukrainian origin, was one among the ‘Hollywood 10’ who were imprisoned and harassed. After spending some months in prison, on account of refusal to cooperate, he later relented, and testified. He admitted to a briefly held membership of the Communist Party in 1945, and revealed the names of fellow members of the Party from the film industry. He stated that John Howard Lawson, Adrian Scott, Albert Maltz and several others had pressurized him to include Communist propaganda in his movies. Dmytryk, after a while, moved to England, where he made some low budget films, and then went on to direct films for top studios like Columbia, 20th Century Fox, MGM and Paramount Pictures. Later, in the seventies, he entered academia, teaching at universities. (Freedland, Michael) The other nine—of the Hollywood 10—were Alvah Bessie, Herbert J Biberman, Lester Cole, Ring Lardner Jr, John Howard Lawson, Albert Maltz, Samuel Ornitz, Adrian Scott and Dalton Trumbo. Most of these ten were forced to leave the film industry and do other jobs like working in restaurants or teaching. Several produced

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Management Accounting - Essay Example The facts discussed above give rise to the importance of employing an accounting method which takes into account the full costs of operation. Consequently, full cost accounting allows managers to give an appropriate cost to the companys products and services to include a fair share of overheads to each unit produced. This paper will take a look at the presently used costing methods in business organizations namely traditional and activity based costing. The next section will discuss how cost accounting was traditionally conducted. Next, it will focus on the recently recognized activity based costing and how it is utilized. Lastly, this report will compare the two methods and apply them to real world examples to asses their relative efficiency. Traditionally, all costs were orinally fixed. In fact, cost comes from a Latin word which means â€Å"to stand.† However, developments were made as managers recognized the efficiency of categorizing costs into either fixed or variable. As we now know, fixed costs refer to administrative expenses which remain â€Å"fixed† in either busy or slack seasons. On the other hand, variable costs are those which significantly varies with the number of output produced and are dependent on business productivity. Variable costs are those which naturally â€Å"rise† or â€Å"fall† with business activity (Cost Accounting 2006). Traditional costing is one of the simplest way of costing products and services. In this system, it is assumed that costs are directly associated with the volume of production as a single cost is given to all products and services. Hence, this costing method presupposes that as the level of production goes up, so does cost. Traditional costing essentially uses unit-based costing which alloates manufacturing overhead based on the unit of products manufactured (ABC Concepts 2000). Accordingly, the traditional approach to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

1. Collaboration Fascination or necessity for small nonprofits to Research Paper

1. Collaboration Fascination or necessity for small nonprofits to survive effective community relations that include collaborative partnerships with other providers and organizations - Research Paper Example Collaboration brings joy to the communities and new revenues to the small non-profit organization that is involved; it also makes every person’s life more interesting and the nonprofit’s mission within reach (Peterson & Basinger, 2008). There is an always an expectation for small non-profit organizations to give back to the community, and most are of them are finding that the best way to do this is by working together. The solution to a successful collaboration is by leveraging the competencies of both partners to create a win-win situation. Before getting into collaboration, small non-profits should make sure that a common objective similar and bond exists between. Collaborations between communities and non-profits support and influence the growth of patronage in two ways: By encouraging the involvement of the community, small non-profit organizations can help to support sustainability through significant collaborations. These community collaborations may lead to enhanced non profits performance in technical and training assistance areas. Small non-profits can observe how other organizations execute collaborations to help them develop strategies and ideas (Newell & Durst, 2001). However, when working in a shorter time period such as one year collaboration, it is often hard to assess whether the small nonprofits will be capable of sustaining continued growth and improvements in their organizational capacity. Increased involvement through ties, local interagency groups and membership organizations within the community to a community-wide tactical plan can support the small non-profit organizations through the transitioning from the project and promoting continuous collaboration and growth in the communities in which they operate. There are numerous examples of the valuable principles of collaboration with communities and the effectiveness achieved through collaboration (Peterson & Basinger,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Personal finances Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal finances - Assignment Example Big Data make it able to carry out the analysis for the reason of assembling a photograph of an event or person from pieces of data that were scattered across other databases. According to Moffitt (pg.3), Big Data is a repository for multi-structure information and enables making inferences from correlations that small databases cannot do. Moffitt (pg.9) said that Big Data has enabled large web IT firms like IBM, Google, Yahoo and Amazon to store and get useful data from Big Data. Big Data can exist in the form of large structured information like relational data, semi-structured information like data that one tags with XML or unstructured data like text and video. The largest chance of harnessing Big Data is represented by unstructured data which forms the largest proportion of existing data (Moffitt, pg.11). For instance, using textual information presents many chances to realize patterns, writing styles and hidden themes. In conclusion, Big Data is a database that can bring huge profitability to businesses. Business enterprises should evolve their accounting models to focus on data content and data linkages. Accounting standards of firms have to deal with data of large databases and allowable sets of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Funnist Incident in Classroom Essay Example for Free

Funnist Incident in Classroom Essay Alright so it was an ordinary day at school, and I was going to my locker in between fifth and sixth hour for the school-wide locker clean-out. I didnt have much to clean, I just emptied my locker of a few homework assignments that seemed to be hiding in the back. So I was done cleaning and I went to my sixth hour class, which really isnt much of a class as it is independent study. Its just me and these two kids from New Delhi who are in seventh grade and take pre-calculus. Well, the room I go to for sixth hour is a science room, so there are a few safety apparatuses to use, just in case: There is an eye wash station if you get chemicals in your eye and a ventilation wood if youre working with things that give off fumes. The last safety device is the safety shower, which is nothing more than a slight depression in the floor where there is a drain, a showerhead overhead, and this metal rod thing that you pull which releases an enormous gush of water. I think you use it if your clothes get on fire or if you accidentally spill chemicals on yourself. Anyhow, I was walking around the room, reading some science comics that were plastered to the wall. Well, I happened to slip on a rogue piece of cardboard that was lying on the floor, and I was spiraling out of control right towards the safety shower. I had no other choice, and plus I was a bit disoriented because I was spinning, so I grabbed on to the metal rod to stop myself from falling and WOOOOOSH A hundred gallons of cold water come down all over me! Im standing their soaking wet, not knowing what to do, and finally the teacher walks into the room and nearly drops his coffee. I was sent to the nurse and she gave me a big towel to wrap myself in. The nurse called my mom to let her know what happened, and she picked me up from school about twenty minutes later. The worst part wasnt me getting wet, oh no. When I activated the safety shower, the door to the classroom was open, and you could see me directly from the doorway! There was a whole crowd of people outside the adjacent classroom, and they started laughing ! I was so embarrassed!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effects Of Globalization On Media Media Essay

Effects Of Globalization On Media Media Essay Globalization is a process by which various cultures, societies and economies through a global network of trade and communication become integrated in all respects. It basically marks the paradigm shift in economic thinking. During Hellenistic period commercialized urban centers were focused around the Greek culture which stretched from India to Spain. Trade was a very important aspect during that time and for the first time the thought of cosmopolitan culture emerged. The effects of globalization are diverse, affecting the various aspects of the world so as to bring changes for the better .Its effects not just influence the financial conditions of the country but also affects the industrial sector and the culture of the countries involved. Globalization widens the access to a range of foreign supplies for the consumption of a large number of consumers, owing to the market planning and policies adopted by different corporations. Media refers to the different means of communication like radio, television, internet etc. It plays a very important role in shaping human mind. Mass media is a section of the media determined to reach a greater audience. Most globalization theorists believe that media has played an important role in acceleration of globalization. With the increase in the importance of economic, cultural and technological integration between countries, it has a great impact on our societys personal lives. It is because of globalization that today there is an increased access to a broad range of media. (Impact of Globalization on Media) Globalization has a great influence on the media and further its impact on us. The most visible effect of globalization is wide spread communication. The introduction of newspapers, magazine, internet and TV has immensely helped to spread information and has helped people to come together from all over the world. However this impact has its own disadvantages, its advantages are much more.. In my opinion the impact of globalization on media has its own advantages and disadvantages but however the advantages are much more than the disadvantages. As mentioned above one can see that the process of globalization has led to opening up of people mind towards not just the walls within which they stay but also be aware of whats happening around the world. Ever since mass media came into existence companies have used this as a means to communicate to let a large no. of people aware about their products. On the other hand even the people watching it or reading about it are in a position to gain maximum benefit as with the help of media they will be able to decipher between good or bad as per their requirements. With the years passing by and increasing globalization there is sophistication of advertising methods and advancement in the techniques adopted. Globalization in media, not just restricted to advertisement in other fields in fact in every field has opened up broader commun ication lines bringing the various companies, economy and more importantly the countries together. role of internet in the media globalization The internet has done a revolution to the impact of globalization in the media. The contribution of internet in the role of media has changed over the past few years and has increased distinctively. In the society the digital media is intensely transforming the consumer behavior and traditional media business models. On one hand it is creating new opportunities but its troublesome pressure is being accelerated by the global recession. Today with the ease of internet access a large number of people are consuming more media in entirely different ways and a lot of the time not paying for it. Internet is one of the easiest ways to associate oneself with the media in todays fast paced world. Moreover with the ease of accessibility of the internet even the younger generation has started adopting this to keep themselves aware of whats happening around them. Media also uses internet in their favor to publicize and distribute what they want to highlight. . Asia contributing to 56%of the popul ation of the world has 42% of the worlds internet users.[7] Be it at school or work or home everybody has an access to the internet these days. People especially students are heavily active on social networks like facebook and LinkedIn. In fact these social networks sometimes bring integrity and helps people stay connected. It acts as a platform to the society for better connectivity and hence being aware or updating themselves regarding what is happening around them. For instance in Asia almost 10% of the Asians are on facebook. The number of facebook users in Asia is 93,584,580 and the internet users in Asia is 828,930,856.[7] In political field internet serves as a medium to connect the media and the viewers. A lot of people are unable to go through the newspapers everyday because of either very busy schedule or ignorance or because of travelling. However most people in todays generation are connected with internet. Therefore people read about the elections about the various political issues through the internet. Even the media updates all its news at every instant on the internet and get a lot of responses from all its viewers which helps them get feedbacks to make amendments. The role of internet has a lot to contribute to the economical aspect or impact of the media. With the share market and the online trading and banking facilities people have started shifting from the conventional ways of doing things to this modern easier and hustle-free method. The term globalization in economics is about the different aspects of cross-border transactions, free international capital flows, portfolio investments, diverse and rapid blending of technology. The theory of globalization states that it enhances prosperity in terms of the economic development of the country and leads to proficient allocation of resources, which in return leads to more employment higher standards of living, more outputs and lower prices. The internet facility provided by the media channels help the users (viewers) to be able to update themselves from wherever they are. The news provided through the internet is mostly updated at every instance and is more precise and easier to find than other sources of the media. There are options of commenting on the news updates and the best part is that one can indulge themselves in a discussion and hence connect the social and economic aspects of the issues. Of the total of 4600 news and information sites the top 7 sites ,they collect about 80% of the online traffic.[9] The role of internet in the cultural and traditional aspect is quite prominent. Globalization has an immense effect on the cultures of the different countries. It has always had a very deep impact on the cultural identity. The free flow of information, speedy progress in the field of technology, transportation and communication has converted this world into a global village. The reductions in costs and better facilities and variety of choices have changed the tastes of individual and societies leading to a stronger integration. The use of internet through the media provides an inter mix and exchange of ideas and thoughts between countries. The media provide the news about not just within the country but also around the globe. Along with the general news about ones nation, media also highlights the cultural and traditional aspects of the country. With the help of globalization and internet being a source of it there is an exchange of these cultural and traditional aspects leading to a n amalgamation of culture. The extent of this amalgamation differs from country to country or place to place depending on the amount of exposure people have to the internet or the media. Falkland islands has the highest internet penetration rate of 100% as its population is equivalent to the number of internet users in the country which means that all the citizens of this country use internet.[Internet world stats] This cultural diffusion opens up the mindset of the people and lets them know the world in a much matured way. role of television in the media globalization The television acts as an eye opener to the viewers. The role of television in the media globalization has made a remarkable impact on the society. There are both sides to it negative as well as positive. However it is the positive effect of television which is way more than the negative and hence the impact is progressive on the society. In todays world almost every house has an access to television and over the years the accessibility has increased immensely. United Kingdom tops the list with an average television rate of 28 hours per person per week.[9] When the press media had not come into picture, people used to communicate by writing letters and sending them through direct mails .The beginning of press media came as an information revolution. This press media has become a source for promoting, projecting and supporting the process of providing information. It assists the journalists in networking and the globalization has led to revolution of news circulation, printing, editing and reportage. It is because of globalization that the spread and exchange of news becomes possible which leads to people of one country knowing not just about the news within their own country but aware about international news as well. Therefore globalization has led to the timely processing and distribution of information. (Jan, 2009) Therefore international print media can be read and understood on the domestic grounds. The role of the press media is diverse and it focuses on all the issues concerning out daily lives and well being. It plays role in e ducating the people on political parties, international happenings, entertainment glamorous celebrity gossip and sport events .After the press media there was the discovery of radio and television. This lead to a different kind of revolution as press media restricted one to just read but radio and television appealed to another sense as it had both visual and audio sense.A recent poll states that about 59% of Americas population obtain the world news on television out of which 37% is through cable and 22%through broadcast.[9] According to researcher George Gerbner the most popular television programs are no longer the ones made for the national consumption but are the ones made for international distribution. With further research he came to the conclusion that this was in order to increase the marketability of international television program distribution. (Media and Internet, 2009) A political economist and media historian named Robert Mc Chesney criticizes the multinational corporations for using the media as a platform to serve their own interests only. These companies create content and own the publishing companies and hence use them to distribute their own product. Another opinion which a lot of researchers have is regarding the impact of globalization on media with respect to local culture. They feel that the World Trade organization is threatening the local culture by encouraging foreign investment in local media. Firstly, the younger generations watch television regularly and there are points in the year when they watch it more than the average. This is because of the seasonal shows which they watch for a certain number of weeks and then may not watch for next couple of days after one season of the show is over. These programs on television depict the various cultures all around the world. The media through television can reach to the mass people. The television serves to a larger number of people than the internet at one time. In terms of political aspects the television has a lot to add to. The viewers can be made aware of the political issues sensitive topics concerning the nation. The television can provide its viewers with important facts and information concerning the democracy and the political system which can help us make better decisions. At the same time it gives us the overall picture of what is happening in the rest of the world. A lot can be understood and adopted through movies as well. Movies depict the various issues of the society and politics and it greatly influences the viewers and a lot of the time leaves them thinking about the social and political issues and acts as an eye-opener. The economical aspect is highlighted by the television through advertisements and the news channels giving updates on the share market, brokers and stocks. The advertisement in a way makes us consumers and helps to make us aware of all the suitable options available for us in the market. This is not just restricted to advertisements of clothing or grocery but at the same time about pension plans and banks. In fact with television one neednt always go to the stock markets or keep waiting for the newspaper for the stock conditions but can keep oneself updated with the television news channels. The Cultural and traditional issues are focused by the television through movies, serials , reality shows and advertisements. role of radio in the media globalization Radio is one of the easiest and cheapest media source. It is easily available in most part of the country. The biggest advantage of the radio as a means of media globalization is that it can be understood by even an illiterate person and can cater to a larger number of people. Moreover it has a greater impact on the rural as they are able to connect to the radio easily. Therefore the importance of radio in the society is indispensable. Television and radio catered to illiterate people as well. Moreover the advertising industry has used this as a medium to expose global products daily to the audience. The radio was one of the oldest means of spreading information amongst the people. Be it a cricket match or songs or elections peoples ears used to be stuck to the radio to keep themselves aware of things around them. Most people in todays generation are not regular listeners to the radio unless they listen to it for music on their way to work. The use of radio amongst them is now restricted only to music and that has also reduced remarkably because of technological advancements like I pods and music phones. In the political and economic aspects the role of radio is slow and steady. However in the rural areas it has a great impact. The rural people are greatly influenced by the news and information shared by the media through radio. In fact this helps them to understand the political system and the advertisements make them aware about the various products. Radio also highlights the social issues and helps eradicate and revolt against those issues in the best possible way. Radio in todays world is a platform for advertisement. In fact it generates a lot of income and adds to the economy of the media. It provides the listeners with enumerable options available in the market but at the same time highlights the ill issues of the societies and methods to eradicate them. Radio also provides a platform for the cultural and traditional exchange. For example, the radio channels provide music of different parts of the world and hence this leads to one nation understanding the music of the other. Music reflects the culture and the tradition of the area to a large extent. conclusion Globalization reflects our identity and connects us to the rest of the world. The science and technology makes the world globalized and in turn reflects the theory of convergence and promotes cultural identity. Globalization is a very debatable topic as with a lot of positive aspects there are quite a lot of limitations or negative impact of globalization on the countries. Where it has benefited a lot of countries on one hand, on the other it has also generated significant international oppositions over all the issues that has increased inequality and environmental degradation The limitations are as follows: Economic liberalization Effect on income disparity Effect on disease(health) Effect on the environmental degradation Globalization is definitely bringing the world together in order to create one global world but however one must understand its limitations and make the best use for the betterment of the nation and oneself by adopting the best of every nations culture. Media has always played a very important role in our society and for a long time it remained one of the methods of controlling people and their recreational time. (The Role of Media in the Society) The media hence provides different types of information in different ways in the form of newspaper, internet, television, magazine, radio etc. In fact its a very essential and simplified way to inform or simply to entertain the audience. As the process of globalization becomes more prominent the role of media and advertisement and consumerism also increases considerably. Therefore globalization is not just integrating trade, investment and financial markets but also integrating the consumer markets. At the same time the consumer receives an overflow of information through commercial advertising. However with the years progressing the methods and techniques of advertising have become sophisticated creating a better and much aware world and hence turning luxuries into necessities. (Shah, 2006) Just by sitting at home one can get the entire news of the world by any medium like radio, tv or internet, this is possible only because of globalization. Globalization in media has also made us aware about the economical and political conditions of a particular country but also provides us with entertainment of all sorts. Globalization in the media has definitely got some negative aspects to it but however the advantages are way more and therefore there is a remarkable progress in development in all economic, social, political, cultural and traditional aspects

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Caracter of Meursault in The Stranger (The Outsider) Essay

The Caracter of Meursault in The Stranger      Ã‚   Albert Camus' The Stranger is a startling novel at worst and a haunting classic at best. Camus presents a thrilling story of a man devoid of emotion, even regarding the most sensitive, personal matters. The main character, Meursault shows no feelings after the death of his mother, during his romantic relationship with Marie, or during his trial for the murder of an Arab. Meursault never shows feelings of love, regret, remorse, or sadness. It takes a great amount of skill to portray such a seemingly inhuman character as someone who is complex and multi-faceted like Meursault is.    Camus shows a definite sense of audience in this book. His language and phrasing shows that he has aimed the book towards an older crowd, one that would understand the message he wants to portray. Even when the language is written in a simple tone, it still seems aimed at an older audience:    Fumbling a little with my words and realizing how ridiculous I sounded, I blurted out that it was because of the sun. People laughed. My lawyer threw up his hands, and immediately after that he was given the floor (103).    The subject matter itself is certainly aimed towards an adult audience. Some topics include sex, murder, death of a family member, and domestic abuse. Religion, or lack thereof, is a topic heavily discussed during Meursault's trial for murder. Meursault is a self-professed atheist, and there are numerous conversations between the main character and others he interacts with on this topic.    The author is an important part of The Stranger. Camus developed his theory of the absurd - the idea that life has no rational meaning - during World War II. ... ... Compare sentences from the first half of the novel to the second half:    "As soon as he saw me, he sat up a little and put his hand in his pocket" (58). "Especially when the emptiness of a man's heart becomes, as we find it has in this man, an abyss threatening to swallow up society" (101).    The first sentence has less detail and feeling to it; the second example seems to have more emotion and feeling in its structure    In conclusion, all of these elements help to make The Stranger a classic tale of murder and the absurd. Camus' treatment of Meursault's tormented world, where everything makes sense to only him is an ingenious way of looking at the sheer monotony and almost redundant tendencies of life in general.       Work Cited: Camus, Albert. The Stranger, trans. Mathew Ward. New York: Random House, Inc., 1988.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

International Marketing Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

International Marketing Proctor & Gamble originated in 1837, when William Proctor and James Gamble formed a partnership in Cincinnati, Ohio. The partnership flourished making the company a gaining name as principled manufacturer of high quality consumer goods sold at competitive prices. By 1992 Proctor & Gamble was a multinational company with annual sales of almost $30 billion profits exceeding $1.8 billion, and a reputation for quality products, high integrity, strong marketing, and conservative management. When P&G grew they became more and more interested in foreign markets. In 1992 they had sold their products in more than 140 countries around the world. In 1991 P&G after being satisfied with their success with Charmin Bounty and Puffs they decided they wanted to expand their business to foreign lands. They decided that Canada was the best and most logical choice to make that first step because of its location and free trade between Canada and the U.S. In 1991 P&G found that Canadian Pacific Product Company, a large paper company was prepared to see Facelle Paper Products, it’s tissue division. Facelle was a medium sized manufacturer and marketer of tissue, towel and sanitary products. So for 185 million P&G bought the Facelle Co. Proctor & Gamble had to consider many things when entering the market in Canada. Tissue products were inexpensive, widely used and were frequently purchased (on average once every two weeks.) Brand swi...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Future of Women in Sports :: Female Athletes Sports Essays

The Future of Women in Sports As the year 2010 has arrived, the problem of the portrayal of women in sports no longer lies in their fight for equality and opportunity, but in fighting off the competition with men. It is no longer an issue of women not being taken seriously or being looked down upon if they decide to be athletes, but that men want to take part in competition with women in sports. This film thus focuses on the struggles that the male protagonist faces in trying to compete with the popularity of women's sports and his desire to take part in the world of women's sports. Women in this film are portrayed as strong characters who are highly capable of doing what they do -- being professional basketball players. Their struggles lay in their dealing with fame and all the complications that it entails. These include rumors of financial problems, affairs, and infighting among teammates. The female protagonist is a character who can "do it all." She has a family, including two young children and a husband. She was raised in a proper household, but held on to her dreams of playing basketball for a living. The beginning of the film shows her struggles as a child in fighting against stereotypes, being taken less seriously than the boys, and being discouraged from playing sports. However, as she reaches high school and beyond, the sky is the limit. Her opportunities increase as women's sports in the general society are given greater emphasis and professional leagues are established for all sports that had an equivalent male league. The women's leagues' visibili ty and popularity rise among fans who become disillusioned with all the infighting that had been occurring in the male leagues. Soon, the financially disadvantaged male leagues decide to challenge the women's leagues to compete against each other. This is where the major climax of the film occurs. The male protagonist had been involved in a financial scheme within the male basketball league which ended in the murder of a major basketball star. He ends up broke, without friends, and with no possibility of playing professional basketball, especially in light of the financial distress that the league was experiencing. He knows of the success that the women's teams had been recently having and approaches the manager of his ex-team with a plan for reviving the popularity and financial wellbeing of the male league.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Behaviorism: Classical Conditioning Essay

There are four primary conditioning theories of behaviorism. These four theories are Pavlov’s (1849-1936) classical conditioning, Thorndike’s (1874-1949) connectionism (also known as law of effect), Guthrie’s (1886-1959) contiguous conditioning, and Skinner’s (1904-1990) operant conditioning. According to the text (Shunk 2012) Classical conditioning was discovered around the beginning of the 20th century by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov was studying digestive process in dogs when he discovered that the dogs salivated before they received their food. Pavlov utilized a tuning fork and meat powder. He hit the tuning fork and followed the sound with the meat powder. In the beginning, the dog salivated only to the meat powder, but after this was repeated, salivated at the sound of the tuning fork. In classical conditioning, a subject learns to associate one stimulus with another. The subject learns that the first stimulus is a cue for the second stimulus. In other words, the meat powder is an unconditioned stimulus and the salivation is the unconditioned response. The tuning fork is a neutral stimulus until the dog learns to associate the tuning fork with food. Then the tuning fork becomes a conditioned stimulus which produces the conditioned response of salivation after repeated pairings between the tuning fork and food. According to Guthrie’s Contiguous Conditioning the only condition necessary for the association of stimuli and responses is that there is a close chronological relationship between the stimuli. Guthrie states that punishment and reward have no significant role in the learning process because the reward and punishment occur after the association between the stimulus and the response has been made. He also believed that you can use sidetracking to change previous conditioning. Side tracking involves discovering the initial cues for the habit and associating other behavior with those cues. Thus sidetracking causes the internal associations to break up. In other words forgetting is due to interference rather than the passing of time. Operant conditioning was pioneered by B.F. Skinner and built on the classical conditioning work of Ivan Pavlov (McLeod 2007). It is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Through these rewards and punishments, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior. In operant conditioning, behavior occurs more frequently when followed by reinforcement, and happens less frequently when followed by punishment. The idea is that behavior is influenced by the consequences that follow. When you are rewarded for doing something, you are more likely to repeat that behavior. When you are punished for doing something you are less likely to repeat that behavior. According to the text (Shunk 2012) Thorndike’s connectionism has two parts. First when a particular behavior is followed by a reward, that behavior is more likely to happen again in the future. Second is that if a particular behavior is followed by a punishment that behavior is less likely to happen again in the future. Thus the rewarding behavior is learned and the punishing behavior is not learned. Connectionism emphasizes that the greater the reward or punishment, the greater the strengthening or weakening of the association. Behaviorism is based on the premise that behavior is a function of its environmental consequences or contingencies. Behaviorism was the primary paradigm in psychology between the 1920s through 1950 and is based on a number of underlying assumptions regarding methodology and behavioral analysis (McLeod 2007). Behaviorism deals with the consequences of behavior and those behaviors can be rewarded or punished. Reward reinforcements can strengthen behaviors or increase the behavior for example, giving praise promotes good behavior. Punishments goal is to decrease the behavior or likelihood of it happening again. A positive to behaviorism is that it tends to predict the behavior in certain circumstances. The possibilities to predict is the key to controlling behavior and thus avoid needless reactions. Another positive, is the notion of rewards and punishment in behaviorism can be very useful in order to adapt to the required behavior. In other words behaviorism suggests that one can predict and modify behavior by strategically controlling the consequences. In contrast the weakness of behaviorism is that it attempts to explain all the actions of a person only through visible occurrences, making it impossible to directly observe the occurrence of consciousness. So the main opposition is that the behavior of a person is always a learned association that was once supported or punished. Behaviorism in some ways neglects the individualism of every person by making the assumption that people are not responsible for what they do but rather implies that all of the behavioral acts of a person are based past rewards/consequences experienced. Behaviorism concepts can be applied to in home family counseling. First, weighing activities, projects and case plan objectives to correspond with the proportional amount of effort one would like for the family to put into these activities rewards and reinforces family effort, involvement and performance in those areas. Similarly, providing feedback during the development of the case plan and completion of case plan objectives rewards and reinforces learning over time, and should result in better retention and skill development. This later type of reinforcement frequently occurs with the parents but also can be used effectively adolescents as well in the form of things such as chore charts. The principles of behaviorism can be useful in facilitating learning within the in home counseling. However, they do not account for the motivation or thought behind actions taken because behaviorism focuses on behaviors that can be observed only. For example a family could be completing objectives in a case plan simply just to have the case closed rather than to actually progress in their parenting skills. According to the text (Shunk 2012) self-regulation involves behaviors, as individuals regulate their behaviors to keep themselves focused on goal attainment. Behaviorism states that behavior is learned, and new learning is a result of acquiring new behavior patterns by means of environmental conditioning. It can be argued that there is a correlation between the two, at least from a learner’s perspective. It can be said that self-regulation is reliant on goal setting and self-efficacy. Therefore unless learners have goals and feel that obtaining them is important, a learner may not activate the processes needed for self-regulation. Behaviorism could present itself in the form of classic conditioning that being learned behavior based on experience. A learner knows that in order to pass a class one must do well on assigned work. The learner would then make it a priority to work diligently on said work, through the process of self-regulation. The emphasis put on the work would be done so due to the learned behavior that if one does not do well one would receive a less than stellar grade and thus run the risk of not passing the class. References Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning theories: An educational perspective, 6th ed. Boston, MA: Pearson.Fields, H. (2011). Is Behaviorism Dead? Retrieved from McLeod, S. A. (2007).Behaviorism. Retrieved from

Monday, September 16, 2019

Trace the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis between 1933-45

During the hegemony that engulfed Europe between 1939 and 1945, millions of civilians were murdered, outside of the usual battles of war. The hegemony was unprecedented in the annals of history in that the murder of these civilians had its roots not in the causes of the war, but simply in the prejudice that lay at the heart of the political system that had spawned the war, namely the Nazi ideology formed in the insane minds of Adolf Hitler and his henchmen. To that ideology, the creation of a master race of Aryans with all other â€Å"lower† races becoming servile to that master race was logical and a side product of that ambition was the ethnic cleansing of Europe. The initial plan was to move eastwards all such lower races. In due course however, as the ambitions of the Nazis were initially fulfilled, the problem increased. The pathetic irony for Hitler and his cronies was that the very success of their armies brought under their control even more of the undesirables whom they wished to expel from Germany, so that ultimately far from making the Jewish problem disappear, they brought under their control a further 5,000,000 Jews even before the proposed invasions of Russia and Great Britain, the entire gypsy community of Europe and millions of Slavs in the eastern countries of Europe. The problem was to be solved by the â€Å"Final Solution†. Initially the attentions of the Nazis in the immediate years after their ascendancy to power was directed at a widespread cleansing of Germany. This included primarily Jews and communists, Romany (gypsy) people, homosexuals, those who were mentally and / or physically handicapped and those deemed to be â€Å"politically undesirable†. The initial beatings and tirades against these sections of German society however in due course gave way to a more systematic and co-ordinated campaign designed to enable the authorities to rid society of these â€Å"undesirable† elements. Propaganda under the control of Josef Goebbels was employed to ostracize these elements within German society and make their removal both logical and welcome to the average German citizen. Hitler's satanic vision of â€Å"ethnic purity† was based on the idea of levels of genetic value in people. To fulfil Hitler's dream, the Nazi's established comprehensive systems to segregate and later to execute millions of people designated to be less pure. After the succession to power by Adolf Hitler in 1933, an internal security apparatus in the form of a secret police force was designed and continually refined to result in an iron control of the lives of the citizens within Germany. Perfected, this orderly, internal reign of terror spread, as Hitler's forces extended across national borders and with the relatively easy absorption of what had been part of Czechoslovakia, the annexation of Bohemia and Moravia by Germany in 1938. Slovakia, another region of Czechoslovakia, became a state tightly controlled by the Nazis through the Munich Pact signed with the British Government, which naively believed that this concession would mark the end of Hitler's ambitions. On the evening of November 7, 1938, the Nazi regime co-ordinated attacks against the Jewish communities of Germany. Nearly 180 synagogues were burned and destroyed. Hundreds of Jewish men were rounded up and imprisoned on false charges. Jewish-owned businesses throughout Germany were destroyed, damaged and looted. Thousands of windows in synagogues, Jewish businesses and homes were broken giving this night its name – â€Å"Kristallnacht† or the Night of the Broken Glass. This horrific assault was reported in headlines in newspapers around the world. It was taken correctly by some as a signal of what was yet to come and many Jews, taking the warning seriously, emigrated while they still could. However only the United States of America and to a lesser degree Great Britain were prepared to admit Jews seeking sanctuary. Certain countries, notably Switzerland and France were not keen to allow the refugees to stay within their borders. The fact that no country wished to admit the Jews, seemed to validate Hitler's actions in treating them increasingly more harshly. Visas were hard to come by, but bribery and connections still worked in limited ways. Tragically, most Jews remained, believing Germany was democratic, a country for whom many had served with honour and distinction in World War I. They refused to believe that it would turn against them and harm them. They were fatally mistaken and a massive percentage of the entire German Jewish community suffered horribly, dying in the extermination camps before the end of World War II. By September 1, 1939, contrary to the protestations, the completely restored military force of Nazi Germany smashed across the Polish border, overrunning the weak Polish army and cavalry, still equipped for World War I. By the end of the month all of Poland had fallen. Now 3,000,000 Jews came under the control of the swastika, 20 per cent the Polish population in 1939. Almost immediately, these Jews were placed into ghettos in Warsaw, Kracow, and other large Polish cities and towns, with little sanitation and access to medical facilities. Stopped from trading and effectively cut off from the rest of the world, these communities were effectively isolated, being prepared and â€Å"softened up† for further more drastic treatment. Concentration and labour camps were initially established for punishment for those who offended Hitler or did not fit his ideal Nazi regime. As early as 1933 in Germany, Sachsenhausen and Dachau were places of dread but families were still able to â€Å"bribe† their loved ones out of the camps. Following the invasion of Poland the Nazis were faced with resolving the â€Å"Jewish Problem†. The solution was entrusted by Hitler to Heydrich and Eichmann, both virulent anti-semites, the former a soldier, the latter an administrator. The concentration camps, now full following larger and larger transports of Jews and large numbers of Russian prisoners of war, Polish resistance fighters and others, had to be emptied. Natural wastage by death from disease, malnutrition and beatings would not result in a fast enough solution. Mass murder by bullets or lethal injection was expensive and wasteful in terms of resources, and had a morale depressing effect on the soldiers employed. To accommodate Hitler's demonic vision, On January 20, 1942, a conference was convened under expressed orders from Nazi leadership under the chairmanship of the brilliantly evil Rheinhardt Heydrich. With tea and crumpets, in fewer than two hours of deliberation at the former Jewish-owned Wansee chateau in the outskirts of Berlin, the Nazi officers, including Aldolph Eichmann, created the policy to assure the systematic destruction of Europe's Jewish population. A Final Solution had been formed which was unchangeable. The solution chosen was the creation of mass Extermination Camps, mainly in Poland to which would be transported all the Jews of Europe. Killing began in earnest on or near the homes of the populations, which the Nazis had targeted. Within a short time, the small camp of Auschwitz was enlarged into Auschwitz-Birkenau) a massive death camp in which Jews were gassed and their bodies cremated in a nearby area known for its birch trees, (Birkenau in German). Thus, the infamous death factory at Birkenau was created with the huge crematoria nestled among the groves of once beautiful and peaceful birch trees. Five other sites were chosen for additional death camps. Auschwitz-Birkenau, as the huge complex was to become known, was by far the largest in which well over one million and a half people, nearly 90 percent of whom were Jewish, were put to death and cremated. Notwithstanding the need to continue the huge war effort against the Allied Forces, which included the massively powerful American war machine the Nazis vigorously pursued their plan to destroy every Jew within Europe. As a result, one third of the entire world Jewish population was killed during the Holocaust. The few gates of escape to Allied countries, were systematically closed: the United States, Canada, Australia, Britain, parts of Latin America and elsewhere. The lucky few who could find a way out often survived without the rest of their family. By 1944, the height of the extermination of the Jews, there were over 650 death, labour, concentration, camps and ghettos. Of the millions of Jewish people so imprisoned a very small percentage survived to give testimony to the unimaginable crimes which had been committed. Those who did so survive, faced the prospect of reconstructing their lives, more often than not with no money, family, possessions or state. Hitler had identified the â€Å"problem† in Mein Kampf, had thought that he had solved the problem by expelling the Jews of Germany, but ultimately had found that his success in battle multiplied his problem, from which there was to be only one route for the Nazis to take – the eradication of European Jewry by extermination.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Communication and professional relationships Essay

Assessment task – TDA 2.3 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults. 1.1) Describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with children and young people Establishing relationships with children and young people can be hard, especially within a school environment. Ground rules must be established, in order for there to be mutual respect. It is important that the child/young adult understands that you are there to support them, but not to be their friend. It is important to understand the age of the person you are communicating with – what issues and problems may be affecting them, at what is significant to their lives at that time. This understanding will enable you to support them effectively at any phase of their life. Simple things like maintaining eye contact when speaking, and listening and commenting appropriately, ensure that the other person knows you have heard and understood what they have said. By setting a good example, you show children what is appropriate, and how to communicate correctly with each other. Something as simple as praising a child for correct behaviour is enough to inspire them to repeat it, and also inspires others to do the same. By using positive behaviours, you inspire a positive result. Five key things to remember when building and maintaining any relationship within the school are: Always remain professional: no bad language, inappropriate conduct, and don’t bring your home life to work with you. Treat others with respect. It is surprising how well they will respond! Notice the efforts and achievements of others, staff or students, however small. Give practical support when it is needed. Always avoid gossip, and negativity, within the workplace. 1.2) Describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child or young person’s stage of development. By the time the child/young person has reached the age range of key stages 3 – 4, they will most likely have a different style of communicating from stages 1-2. They may have a better attention span, be able to immerse themselves in tasks for longer periods of time, and communicate about their activities in a more adult manner. At key stage 1-2 you can expect children to lose focus easily, with play being more interesting than class work, and  they will be far more excitable. It will be important to recognise, and adapt, to each age level, and encourage behaviour that is expected at that age, and discourage behaviour that is not. As children age, it is inevitable that language will become less formal, and they may well be less willing to contribute in a discussion, or speak out in class, due to heightened self-awareness, and less self-confidence. They will also start using different methods of communicating – email, instant messaging, and social networking are becoming more and more common, with children as young as 5 having Facebook accounts and virtual profiles. An understanding of these technologies will be useful to support children to stay out of danger. As a teaching assistant, it is important to help those who are less outgoing, and support them to make themselves heard. You can do this by quietly encouraging them to put up their hand and answer a question, or even by setting them goals to speak up once a day. It is important to recognise each achievement of a child or young person, no matter how small it seems to you, as it is likely that it would be a big accomplishment for them. Changing the style of language that you use will help interaction with different age ranges, but children and young people are always conscious of how adults communicate with each other – and it is this observation that teaches them for the future. 1.3) Describe how to deal with disagreements between children and young people Disagreements between students (and staff) usually happen at either break, or lunch time. With any argument or disagreement, it is important to find out what happened. This includes each person’s opinion of what happened, from the beginning, in their own words, and how it made them feel. Each person must feel that they have been listened to and understood, and that they have had a fair chance to say their piece. It may be that you need support from other members at this stage, especially if the debate has become heated! Once all sides have been heard, you can decide how to progress. An apology may be needed from one party, or if a misunderstanding has taken place, it may be appropriate to sit everyone down together to discuss the incident as a group. It is important with all students that they understand the link between emotions and behaviour, and how their own behaviour can affect the others around them. By talking in groups, everyone can appreciate how their own behaviours and emotions contribute to the well-being of the other students. 1.4) Describe how own  behavior could†¦ Promote effective interactions with children and young people Your own behaviour, as a teaching assistant, can have a very positive affect and influence on the children and young people you help and support. If they see that you are being respectful, courteous and tolerant, listening attentively, being kind and understanding with the children and adults surrounding you, and that you are recognising their achievements and ideas, then children will hopefully, in turn value and respect one another. Impact negatively on the interactions with children and young people If children or young people see that you are rude to someone, for example a member of staff; not saying please or thank you, interjecting in conversation, or not paying attention when someone is talking to you, they may well think that these are acceptable behaviours. Children and young adults may also may not find you approachable, and not be so keen to come to you with their problems, issues or concerns. 2.1)Describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with adults Adults working within the education profession should expect an environment of mutual support, and openness. However, this is dependent on the attitude of each individual, and their commitment to maintaining positive relationships. Staff should work in a team – there should be no lone working in schools, and the team should communicate positively with each other, parents, and professionals from outside the school. You will need to remain professional even outside of the education setting. For example, you might be out at the Christmas party, with friends, colleagues, or even parents of the children you support. You need to be trustworthy – avoid talking about people in a negative way, this will only impact you negatively in return. Be respectful of others: you not always see eye to eye with a colleague, but listening to what they have to say, and valuing their ideas and opinions helps keep communication open. There are varied ways and means of supporting individuals, but the PIPE acronym is a good way to remember the basics: Practical: This may be as simple as helping someone who is unfamiliar with the class room layout or school surroundings, or assisting a disabled student to navigate a corridor Information: You may be required to pass on material about a situation, or be asked to a write reports on the student you are supporting Professional: This could be by helping the teacher or session leader with their lesson plan, or you may be asked if you can assist and observe a new member of staff Emotional: This could be anything from supporting a student with an emotional situation, to talking to a colleague at lunch time about a stressful incident, or even just keeping a good sense of humour during a difficult time. 2.2) Describe the importance of the adult relationship as a role models for children and young people Children will be leading by example, and will want to come to school if the environment is positive, constructive, and supportive. Communication and support between team members should be practical, informative, professional, and emotional, and as a role model in the school environment, this should reflect in the relationships that that team has with students, and other adults. Whilst at work you must remember to leave your personal feelings, and home life, at home. However stressful life might be, the children and young people you support need your concentration and focus to enable them to achieve their goals. Negative behavior can impact those around you, and make for an uncomfortable working environment for all involved. 3.1)Describe how communication with children and young people differs across different age ranges and stages of development Communication techniques will differ depending on the ages of the person. Young children will need more reassurance than older children, to ensure they feel safe, and are doing the right activity in the right way. Young children will be anxious to see their parents during the first term, often asking how long it will be until they can go home. Supporting them at this time is crucial, as it can make school a rewarding, exciting place if they are encouraged and nurtured in the right way. Teenagers will likely need more guidance, and some help to talk about their issues, problems and thoughts. TAs will need to adapt their vocabulary when talking to different age ranges, so that they can be understood. Communication can be verbal, nonverbal, informal and formal, as they learn to communicate and adapt using these different types of communication as they mature. 3.2)Describe the main differences between communicating with adults and communicating with children and young people There are similarities between the age ranges, in terms of communication techniques, such as maintaining eye contact and interest, listening to what is being said and responding appropriately, and treating the student with the courtesy and respect that you would expect yourself. Always be clear with your dialogue: don’t use unnecessarily complicated language or sarcasm, make sure that what you have said has been understood, and keep your instructions clear and precise (no long lists), and always stay professional. However, there are differences between the communication techniques used for children and adults. For example, the relationship that you have with a child in the school setting is that of a carer, and may appear patronising if used on others. An approach that was successful in the classroom when supporting a student to understand a maths problem, may not be an appropriate approach when speaking with a colleague or co-worker. Children copy adult behaviours, so keep this in mind when communicating with them! Show respect for your colleagues and children will pick up on this, and show respect for their peers. Acknowledge the contributions of others, and say thank you, even if you don’t always agree. Remember that as an elder in the school environment, you will be looked to as a role model. 3.3)Identify examples of communication difficulties that may exist It is likely that communication difficulties will be encountered occasionally, within the school environment, but there are ways to avoid this happening. There are many, many examples of communication difficulties that could arise in the school environment, some examples of potential problems are: speech delay impairment With any one of these examples, a care package/person centred support plan would accompany the student, and it is essential that all staff who work with them has read and understood every element of it. 3.4)Describe how to adapt communication to meet different communication needs To support your students, and team, effectively, you will need to be constantly adapting your communication style. This will depend on the needs of the individual, and you will need to be aware of their potential problems. As a good teaching assistant, you should be able to quickly observe as assess the situation, in order to cope effectively and ensure a positive result. You will need to detect any sensitivity in the student, and support them if they are nervous or shy about speaking. Some examples of good communication are: Speak slowly and clearly. Do not interrupt. However tempting it may be, the person needs the opportunity to speak without interjection. Arrange a translator in advance if required. Whether it is for a foreign language or signing, it is crucial that this be prepared for, to spare the student and embarrassment or upset. Use different methods of communication – if a student is struggling with verbal instruction, get creative! Use flash cards, drawings or hand signals! Maintain eye contact, respond appropriately, and use positive body language. Be empathetic: a child hearing the words â€Å"I understand† can be comforting and reassuring. Have respect for the speaker, don’t allow yourself to be distracted by other conversations. These are the basics for communication with a child, young adult or colleague. In any situation communication can be adapted to be appropriate for the audience, such as: Think about the situation or occasion, and with whom you are speaking. The context of your communication makes a difference both in the way you engage with others, and in the way they interpret your communication. To adapt effectively, you need to understand who you are talking with. See things from their view, and tailor your communication to them as much as possible, by using the points above. Acknowledge that there are differences in personality, whether you are speaking with children are adults. Some children might appreciate a  light hearted approach, whereas the head teacher will expect professionalism at all times. Be intentional with the language you use. Words can help you quickly connect with someone, but they may also offend them. A joke that was funny in the staff room may be wildly inappropriate in the classroom! Avoid using sarcasm with children. It is generally considered as a negative form of humour, and may easily be misunderstood. Choose words based on the age, education, and literacy level of the person you are talking to. By assuming that someone understands the level at which you are speaking, you could easily offend them. 3.5)Describe how to deal with disagreements between†¦ The practitioner and children and young people Dealing with disagreements can be difficult. You cannot always say exactly what you are thinking, and in order to remain professional, you must always be polite, fair, and respectful. Disagreements and misunderstandings should be dealt with as soon as possible, preferably with another adult as a mediator. When dealing with a disagreement or argument between children, for example in the playground, you should not allow yourself to be drawn into any bickering. If the pupil does not calm down, or is particularly defiant, it may be wise to take a ‘time out’ from a difficult situation, in order to have the time and space to think about what has been said, and to calm down. You can then approach the situation logically and rationally, giving each side of the argument a chance to speak. It is important at this time that you remain supportive to each child, be polite, and sympathetic. The practitioner and other adults In a disagreement between colleagues, this kind of situation is unlikely to resolve itself if left, and it is uncomfortable to work in an atmosphere of tension. Bear in mind that this will soon be picked up by other staff and students. Avoid being drawn into disagreements, if they do not concern you, as this rarely has a good outcome and can often turn into negativity and gossip. Asking the advice of an impartial adult can also help to get an unbiased review of the situation, and how to progress from it. 4.1)Identify relevant legal requirements and procedures covering confidentiality, data protection and the disclosure of information Whilst communication is the key to good relationships with students and colleagues, there are times when  information shouldn’t be shared with others, and it is crucial to know who, and when, to pass it on to. The key people working with children in the school setting should have a good understanding of the current laws and legislations that protect the children they support. These people are: teachers, teaching assistants, healthcare staff (nurses) and any principals/head teachers. There are laws protecting children, and staff, with regards to safeguarding information. The main legislation that governs the safeguarding of materials is The Data Protection Act 1998. This ensures that relevant information is not passed on without consent, and outlines what must be shared, in the interests of child safety. There are eight principles, regarding the principles of practice or information, and these state that information should be†¦ â€Å"used fairly and lawfully; All data about an individual must be obtained fairly, and lawfully. The individual must be informed of the purposes that the information is being collected, and who is going to process it. The new Data Protection Act covers personal data in both manual and electronic form, meaning that emails are just as safe as paper files, and must be treated the same way. With information kept in electronic form, appropriate measures must be taken to keep it safe. While a padlock may be sufficient for a filing cabinet, data encryption and regular back-ups may be required for information stored on a  computer. Under the Data Protection Act, all organisations that hold confidential information about individuals must be registered with the Information Commissioners Office. This helps to protect the information that is held, and ensure it is not shared unnecessarily. Training on safeguarding children is mandatory in the education setting, and this will provide all the information about the specific policies and procedures that apply to each school, and who to contact about concerns, or questions. Usually, the first point of contact for a concern or question would be the line manager, such as head of safeguarding or principal, or the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). The individual who provided the information is also entitled to certain rights, under the Data Protection Act 1998. Any individual can make an access request to view the information that is stored, and also to change, block or erase it. The information is also subject to protocols to ensure it is not used to cause damage or distress, or to make significant decisions, by means of an automated system. These guidelines, regulations and policies not only protect children within the education environment, but also staff. For example, at an interview or hearing, everything that is said can be written down, and safely stored for reference, only being shared on a need to know basis. 4.2)Describe the importance of reassuring children, young people and adults of the confidentiality of shared information and th e limits of this It is important to reassure children that they will stay safe, and that you will only repeat what they have told you to those who need to know. Parental consent is usually required before information can be shared; however, if the pupil is at risk of harm to themselves or others, confidentiality can be breached. In all situations, it is necessary to tell the pupil that you will not be able to maintain confidentiality, and that you will have to tell someone else. It is crucial to be educated in the policies and procedures of the individual school setting, and to know who to turn to, should the situation ever arise. 4.3)Identify the kinds of situations when confidentiality protocols must be breached There may be times when it is crucial for staff to know sensitive information about a student, for example, if they are suffering a health condition that could affect them in the classroom, such as asthma or epilepsy. In these circumstances, an agreed protocol would be set up within the school, and all staff would be trained on how to manage  such circumstances. The parents of the child must give permission for the information to be shared, and the staff must do everything in their power to protect the privacy of every child, and adult. It is also required for the school to have designated first aiders, and for the children/young adults to know who these people are, in case of an emergency. There are certain circumstances in which a practitioner can pass on the information to the relevant authority without permission. If you become aware of information which led you to a genuine suspicion that a child is being abused at home, then it would it be right for the responsible adult to pass on the information. The general rule is that if you believe a child to be at a significant risk of harm then you should pass on personal information to those who would be able to prevent harm. Every school will have policies and procedures that must be followed in these circumstances.